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Transition Team


The goal of the transition team is to serve the vision of Victory Church by overseeing the Pastoral Search process and ensuring operational duties along with congregational care are maintained during this interim period in accordance with the Transition Team Covenant, in concert with the Directors and Coordinators at Victory Church, and Victory’s Board of Directors (Pastor Brett Fuller, Pastor Jim Critcher, and Interim Pastor Troy Savage).



Rasheda Tripp, Chair

Andrea Smith, Secretary

Tiffany Nguyen

Marcus Hawkins

Responsibilities (Revised June 2022)

  • Pastoral Search Process

    • Partner with the Board of Directors in identifying and vetting candidates 

    • Review resumes, cover letters, and applications submitted through various avenues

    • Develop interview questions and facilitate interview process of potential candidates

    • Develop timelines for candidate selection process  

    • Coordinate with the interim pastor to schedule and facilitate opportunities for candidates to preach sermons and  interact with the congregation 

    • Coordinate meetings between Victory directors and coordinators and candidates

    • Recommend candidates to the Board for approval to continue through the selection process

    • Work with the Board of Directors to establish a phased in and comprehensive on-boarding process for the next pastor 

    • Determine compensation and benefits package for position

  • Operations and Congregational Care

    • Create avenues to solicit input from and communicate pastoral search updates with the Victory community

    • Update Victory website as related to the transition process

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