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Pastoral Search Process

Revised: June 20, 2022

  1. A candidate is recommended to the Transition Team.

  2. The candidate receives an email asking him/her to fill out and return the Candidate Questionnaire and to submit a cover letter, resume, and sermon videos.

  3. Once the questionnaire is returned, the Transition Team reviews the candidate's application materials and responses and sends an email acknowledging its receipt.

  4. If approved, a subgroup of the Transition Team, including the chairperson, will meet with the candidate to have an initial conversation. A background check is also conducted. 

  5. If approved, the Transition Team meets with the candidate for an initial interview conversation.  The candidate's spouse is welcomed to join in the latter portion of this conversation, or schedule a separate conversation with members of the team.

  6. If approved, the candidate meets with the Board of Directors. 

  7. If approved, a time is arranged for the candidate to come to Charlottesville for a weekend to engage in the following:

    • Meet with the Victory coordinators and directors

    • Preach a sermon

    • Participate in an in-person Q & A with the congregation in which he/she shares some of his/her questionnaire responses. The Q&A will be streamed via Zoom for those who cannot attend in-person.

      The Transition Team recognizes that additional visits with the candidate may need to be scheduled as part of the discernment process.

  8. A Town Hall is held to solicit the congregation’s input regarding the candidate.

  9. Before recommending a candidate to the Board of Directors, a time of prayer and fasting is declared for the entire church.

  10. The Transition Team makes a recommendation to the Board of Directors.

  11. With the Board of Director’s final approval, the Transition Team makes the candidate a provisional offer.


The Transition Team recognizes after a provisional offer is accepted by a candidate, a robust plan will need to be in place to ensure a smooth transition between the interim and new senior pastor.


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